Russia Proposes to Turn Off Electricity to Crypto Miners

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The Russian parliament has sent proposals on the regulation of mining to the Cabinet of Ministers, according to the minutes of the meeting of the State Duma Committee on Energy dated January 27.

They were developed following a discussion of the issue with representatives of government agencies and business, said Valery Seleznev, First Deputy Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma.

One of the proposals is to allow power supply companies to disconnect illegal miners from electricity supply. This initiative was previously sent to the State Duma by the Association of Guaranteed Suppliers and Energy Retail Companies.

Businesses will have to indicate the purpose of using electricity in contracts for technical connection to networks, and disconnect subscribers is the resource is spent on other tasks.

The State Duma has proposed to introduce the obligation of Internet providers to provide energy sales companies with information about the location of IP addresses from which mining is carried out, and information about its parameters.

Valery Seleznev ha noted these proposals, among other things, can be used as part of the implementation of the “road map” to regulate the crypto industry in the country.

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