ECB: The Anonymity of Digital Euro Holders is “Undesirable”

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Unstoppable Finance Development Manager Patrick Hansen has said that user anonymity is not a desirable design option for the digital euro, according to a presentation of the ECB.

The “Privacy Options in the Digital Euro” paper outlines possible options for ensuring the privacy of CBDC users. The authors have noted the need to assess this issue “in the context of other EU policy objectives, in particular, combating money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.”

Hansen has indicated the baseline scenario is for banks to access transaction data. According to the fourth slide, the ECB considers the anonymity of digital euro users undesirable.

According to him, at the moment it is not clear “what benefits the digital euro offers compared to existing digital means of payment.” He has encouraged community members to provide feedback on the design of the CBDC.

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